Eternal Cthulhu

@dallasmay: Or they should start charging royalties to everyone leeching off their tech.

@ak4ray005: Exactly. I was hoping the onboard mic would commit suicide after its poor friend died.

@ceilingFANBOY: He should have paid more attention to the tunnel clearance sign.

Yay, now I can visualize how much procrastinating I actually do at work.

@shooga: That's a giveaway I could really get behind.

They had to do something with all those Kins in storage.

He's gone over to the down-and-out side.

I preferred their old timey slogan: "Onward! Ever onward!"

@slotter: Send a print job to the dot matrix kitchen table: BRING ME A BEER, WOMAN.

Would be cooler if it still worked.

Thank god someone has drawn the line. Of course, the studio can always force him to add nipples to the costumes.

@Jessysaurusrex: Great. Now the terrorists will know how to circumvent our security systems.

@HeroOfTomorrow-the Untied States: He's talking about the run-on sentence in the response sign—they are a Fortune 500 company, they should know when to use a semicolon.

@Elliuotatar: They just looked for the Russian dudes with AK-47s on their backs.

@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: I'll be the conflicted undercover cop who ends up befriending you and has to choose between turning you in or letting you drive off in your '69 Charger.

I thought we were "moving on"?

I envision it looking like the Earth of Wall-E, except that Wall-E would be a giant dildo with tentacles.

For someone who is always complaining about being objectified, she sure does love showing us her tits.

Well it was only a matter of time before others joined the race to the bottom.