Eternal Cthulhu

That's the tree of life, so they get unlimited Cheetos and Mountain Dew.

Doesn't everyone realize the reason he did this? She was reading a BOOK! A real one. That kind of backwards, Luddism will not be tolerated in the Pogue household!

The worst part was that President Obama then unfriended him.

That penis doesn't need a wide shot.

I do believe Apple is compiling their rapture database for the second-coming of Steve Jobs.

I think it's an even more basic litmus test for human decency.

Damn that sucks. I hope he saved his game.

I'm gonna need a bigger stick.

And don't forget about the crooks inside the bank: the bankers.

Too big. Needs a harmonica neck-brace.

Damn you for cheering me up. Now I gots to start all over on my bah humbugs.

Please don't give them hands. Please don't give them hands. Please don't give them hands.

Dammit! I missed the rapture. Oh, well, more presents for me.

Kid: "Can I eat my cake now?"