Eternal Cthulhu

Get a gun and you won't need 4, 6 or 10.

@mkirkland: Everyone does have access to it.

Wait, so all this plastic sheeting I have saved up isn't going to cut it anymore?

I hope they name the next generation the Nazgul.

@ArcaneDigital: You're talking about vaporizers then. I thought you were talking about warm mist humidifiers.

@ArcaneDigital: You have it reversed. The warm ones breed bacteria faster and require more frequent cleaning.

And I thought church couldn't get any more boring.

@TheCrudMan: It disappeared into that place that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny fell into.

I'll believe it when I see it.

They should give each person in the US one commemorative flawed $100 bill to remind them of how worthless their government can be.

Lucas soon will achieve his goal of never having to interact with another living person again.

Just think of the world of possibilities!

They'll win out in the end, since they're paying with stupid amounts of internet money. Hollywood loves that.

@kaffenated: Agreed. Plus she set off the explosives detector with her bombshells.

@buckleyneko: Japan? It's a Chevy, dude. It's made in America, with Chinese parts.

@Arken: Lay off the sauce, Chewie.

These are not the druids you're looking for.

@minibeardeath: That cuts both ways. If he's beyond the reach of US laws, they will use extralegal means to reach him.

@Slinkytech:Yeah, until we have AI to do all the work, we're still going to need human actors to provide a performance.