Same here, but I was on a TW200 “big wheel”. I never really noticed what I ran over. Stuff, I think. Might;ve been some things. Don’t know, didn’t care.
Same here, but I was on a TW200 “big wheel”. I never really noticed what I ran over. Stuff, I think. Might;ve been some things. Don’t know, didn’t care.
Freddy, we’re gonna have one of those meetings later where I talk and you listen.
That’s a weird looking mustang.
I think we should all take a moment, gather our thoughts, and immediately start jumping to conclusions using whatever stereotypes come to mind. Considering it’s a nice day out let’s also engage in a pointlessly hostile debate on gun control.
Can we get one of these explaining the differences between a Citation and a pile of crap?
Arrrggh. Now he’s a real pirate.
Found the Mustang driver.
You can go on and keep defending the guy, in a dragster, who went full bore with his front wheels turned. I’ll pass on the debate.
The Mustangs are probably laughing pretty hard right now. What an amateur, the crowd was in the complete opposite direction!
They save lives, folks.
Given the number of wrenching nightmare stories this car could (will) generate, I absolutely think you should buy it.
Letting David do some ‘minor wrenching’ on my car.
I’m deathly terrified of the turn signal.
This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.
Nah, they should have called it the Chevy AHNC: All Hat, No Cattle.
This vid mecca me laugh real hard.
Well, what if there is a crowd of terrorists nearby?
How to get a job with the LAPD.
Think of all the great wear and tear data Tesla will get “64 oz Coffee will short touchscreen” “Powdered Sugar blocks sensors” “Gun Belt breaks doo panel”
LAPD charged with battery.