
It’s Palm Springs. Tacky hits different in the desert.

That’s because it looks hot.

It’s capitalism. It’s how it works at every level. Boss man takes home the goodies. Workers get the freedom to apply for jobs from different bossmen.

If they had a union, they could collectively bargain for a higher share.


I am totally unimpressed with video game monster aesthetics. Same goes for “space armor” and “D&D outfits with buckles and shit”. I find the whole thing depressing and cliche and whenever a game comes along that just chucks that whole project out and goes for something new and different I’m delighted. Even then,

I’m sorry you feel so bad.

Nah. Politics are ok. Keep ‘em in the games reviews. Especially the ones that prominently feature Ronald Regean.

Okay, 2.5 years. 3 years. Whatever. You get the idea.

I’m sure they had that meeting and there was a guy like you who piped up all clever like and said, “you know....if we priced it at 2-3x as much we could make a killing” and they were all like, “thanks again, Dave, you made that point last generation, but to reiterate we’ve done the market research and the spreadsheets

Nah man. Louie Anderson partying hard would look way cooler than this dipshit.

Hmmm...Barbara Mikulski?

Not sure about Peak Oil, but you have definitely achieved peak Armchair CEO.

We’re in “Lockdown”. This is “the Lockdown”. 

No, quarantine is for pre-diagnosis. You quarantine yourself when you don’t know if you’re infected or not. Like if you just drove to your parents house in Connecticut from Brooklyn, you should quarantine in the garage for 2 weeks to make sure you didn’t bring the virus from the City.

Unions can do whatever their members want them to do. Workplace conditions on film sets are the product of decades worth of negotiations. And if you think they should be renegotiated, you have power as a union member to push for those demands.


A union is an institution that pools worker power and can use that power to push for the drastic changes you’re talking about. 

Typical union dues do not take 50% of union members salaries. People do not form unions in order to lower their pay.

That is not how it works.