
Congratulations. You have successfully played the blame game. You pointed fingers at the right target. Bernie Sanders: You’ve Been Blamed! [APPLAUSE]

Who are the new black leaders that have emerged?

I think you’re the one trying to start a big conversation. Or you think the conversation you want to start is bigger and more important than the one Paul’s trying to start. And I think you’re conversation is boring and sounds exactly like classic Grumpy Uncle Anti-PC/Kids-these-days-amirite horseshit. That’s my stupid

I think you’re the over-sensitive one who needs a safe space from cultural criticism. Dude’s just talkin’ about a video game name. It’s not a big deal. 

This is ridiculous. I understand this might sound controversial, but there’s no such place! This supposed “community” he claims to be getting support from doesn’t even exist. And the fact that you casually use the incorrect name for it shows your own bias. You think this is some clever, semantic game that lets you

Nah he’s cool. He did a good thing.

It’s not binary. You can rank countries by how much of their enterprises are privately owned vs. publicly owned. That number can change over time and the relative rankings can shift as well. China around 1980 owned ~67% of the nation’s wealth. Now it’s down to ~31%. Norway meanwhile went from ~32% in 1980 to around

China is not not-Capitalist.

Do we know if he listens to post-punk bands like Joy Division or Gang of Four?

Taste just another word for Values and I see nothing wrong with an artist proclaiming aesthetic values and hating people who like stuff that offends those values. Doesn’t stop people from liking Marvel movies. Just like Michael Che can’t stop people from liking Hannah Gadsby. It’s all speech. Discourse. Bumping into

This reminds me of my high school line coach who was disappointed in the ferociousness with which were running through some hitting drills one day and said: “I’m seeing to many nice little boys out here today. You know who likes nice little boys? Pedophiles, that’s who! C’mon!”

That’s Robin.

It’s a flawless chicken sandwich. It’s the platonic ideal. Like saying the bullseye is *just* a spot in the middle of the target.

They were totally unprepared for this situation. Everything will be fine once it goes back to normal. Popeye’s doesn’t have that McDonald’s style efficiency thing down. And that’s probably for the best. The jankiness is part of the charm of a B-tier fast food joint. 

Mass shootings are good for business. Mass shootings —> Media discussion of gun bans —> Paranoid gun nuts stockpiling more weapons and ammo before the gun bans —> No actual gun bans. 

The Ruling Class isn’t like people who make >$100k. It’s Wayne LaPierre and the shareholders of gun manufacturers who’ve created an incentive structure that allows Republicans (and some Democrats) to thwart the will of the people with impunity.

I wouldn’t blame mass shootings on the majority of gun owners in the US. The majority of gun owners and even NRA members support stricter gun laws, but they can’t have them because of the ruling class’s influence in politics.

I think you’ve stumbled on a good point by shifting the frame to guns. “America deserves mass shootings” is a different statement from “The people shopping at Walmart deserved to be murdered”. One is a rhetorically provocative condemnation of the ruling class and the policies they support, the other is a cruel and

The satire vs. just a joke thing is different. Saying Nazi shit and then saying “im being ironic, lighten up” is shitty. You’re trying to deny the underlying message and avoid responsibility for your words. The underlying message of Hassan’s eye-fucking rant was simply “Fuck Dan Crenshaw, I don’t respect you and I