
Criticism expressing your opinion is not different from telling people, ‘I don’t like this, therefore it should not exist”. They are similar phenomena and can be plotted on a spectrum. It’s a question of degree. Mild criticism is mild. Intense criticism is censorious. The degree to which censorious criticism is

It’s not dangerous to tell artists what they should put into their work. Artists are big boys. They can take some suggestions safely and without danger. Or are you telling critics that they shouldn’t tell people what to think/do and thus you are engaging in the same dangerous practice of “Communication = Mind Control”.

This seems to be mandating a sort of Neo-Liberal Realism set of standards for art. Or rather it’s denying the idea that a Final Fantasy game could be art, and instead making it a corporate entity with responsibility for monitoring cultural trends and increasing it’s diversity inclusion score to improve marketability

Don’t call it a comeback.

Totally disagree. Gamers need to learn manners. Permaban everyone until only polite people are left. I don’t like public squares full of angry people yelling at me. Nothing of value will be lost.

I got passes through work during the Rock Band / WiiU era which was just past it’s prime and before it all fell apart and it was dope. Fond memories.

Why would you hate that? One of the most famous jokes of all time.

Snake-oil” was just drugs. Cannabis, cocaine, morphine, alcohol during prohibition. The idea of “snake oil salesman” is not about people buying something that tastes bad that they don’t like.

Weird to see an article about Tanya with no mention of her dope podcasting as part of the Trillbillies.

Man, (48 year old) kids these days just want everything spoon fed and easy for them. Just sending games back if they don’t come with participation trophies in the box. Building whole aesthetic world views out of petty consumer preferences. Entitled narcissists with no respect for tradition and art.

Take some art classes. Maybe mess around with photography.

We absolutely don’t play other games. Everybody puts games on pedestals and we talk about them and make fun of them and shit on them and tell people how amazing they are. That’s basic art/culture/critique 101. I say something’s the pinnacle of gaming, you disagree and say something else is the pinnacle of gaming, or

You are visually illiterate is all.

I’m sorry, it’s 2022. We’ve moved on. You missed your chance to be pissed at Demon’s Souls for this back in the Obama administration. We will not be entertaining these complaints at this time or trying to give you tips on how to have fun with From games. Life is too short.

‘git gud’ totally cuts it. Game’s a huge success. Tons of people love it the way it is. What are you talking about?

Art and culture is, on soooo many levels, simply disingenuous circle-jerking between artist and audience. That’s what we’re all doing here on planet Earth.

The difficulty is the point. The struggle, the defeat, the feeling of hopelessness and depression that comes with it is the point of the game. Even the anger you feel at the developers for not giving you the easy mode you want, that’s the point. That is the artistic statement they are making. It’s okay to be repulsed

Sounds like you should just play other games, man. They’re not going to be changing any of this stuff for you. You have different tastes and that’s okay.

There will always been a inverse ratio between authenticity and mainstream appeal.

Just mute it and turn on the closed captions.