
We built up Al Qaeda, we didn’t beat them down. We danced with the devil to fight a proxy war with the Soviets. 

I think this “much better” way to phrase things idea is worth looking into. Chomsky said the same things for decades and American foreign policy elites didn’t nod their heads and say “good point, well put, sir.” As time goes on, and the people who say things the correct way get ignored year after year, the rhetoric is

As a thought experiment, I want you to think really hard about the possibility that Bernie Sanders and all of his supporters are totally aware of all the obstacles to passing Medicare For All. They’ve heard of Mitch McConnell and Merrick Garland. They remember Max Baucus and the ACA fight, just as much as you do. Just

Way to Comet to the gag.

This feels like the early signs of a recession / tech bubble burst. A “Useless Shit Subscription” is only sustainable when people think the good times are gonna keep on rolling.

Ha. Is that Dan Dakich telling the ref “boot him” at 2:35 after the first foul?

If you were really from Central PA, you’d grant that Hershey’s has a fine amusement park that’s almost as nice as Knoebel’s but their chocolate is trash compared to Wilbur’s.

It’s a classic TBS movie that anyone with basic cable could catch. Like The Dirty Dozen or Escape From Alcatraz. You’re two years younger than me and I saw it in college in the 21st century. Great lazy afternoon hangover movie.

I’m a big fan of “Lawn Shit Stores”. Fucking windchimes and weird statuary and shit. Not fertilizer or mowers or anything. Just chotchke’s to stick on your lawn. Maybe there’s a section of novelty mailboxes to put at the end of your driveway.

What about “The TriState Area”?!

This isn’t about whether a computer can beat a Magic the Gathering champ. That’s totally a doable thing which can be accomplished with computers and imaginative people. This is more of a mathematical proof about whether something is computable or not. Certain problems are solvable and certain problems are not solvable

Shouldn’t the orthodox be out with their families walking to schul?

tHe gRoUp wAs In fAcT fOuNdEd iN 1994, In rEsPoNsE tO A sChWaRzEnEgGeR aCtIoN mOvIe.”

Guys, the guy in the comment thread says, “this woman” is bad. Let’s pack it up. Sorry we tried. Thanks for letting us know, sir.

How much will it cost?

I want an OKC Thunder “Welcome to the NBA, Jen” t-shirt

Gender Studies 101 is good and helpful.

What if we just don’t have sports at college and college students just read books and stuff?

I’m not asking about you. Don’t be so defensive and rude. Just answer the simple question. At what time in history were minstrel shows no longer a common occurence in your rural Minnesota home town? Were there minstrel shows in the 70's, or 80's? I’m willing to bet there were some in the 50's. Let’s find out the real

What’s the history of the “Dance eMote” economy? Feels like an interesting story of an industry finding a way to maximize profit from other people’s creative product while staying within the legal loopholes to avoid paying creators. What other obviously recognizable creative acts can sneak through the cracks like this