
Don’t worry, I’m dismissive enough for the both of us.

I was reading your comments on another thread and it reminded me that I dislike most of the people that you talk with on here, but always thought you were an exceptional person. Intelligent, passionate but- and this is where I’d say you differ- there is a sense of kindness about you that radiates out.

Florida, where the different municipalities will perfect speed traps down to exacting levels that light itself cannot escape, yet fail to protect one of its citizens after 14 attempts.

Aw, shucks...I triglyceride.

You adipose stories like this more often.

The abortionists almost won, till Butt came in and rectum!

Well, I thought it was kinda funny...

That whole movie is way, way worse. It was made to be shown at “revivals” around the south and features communists shoving screwdrivers in the ears of children, making them vomit.

Boy, Tarkovsky’s early period leaves something to be desired.

Now playing

I don’t get high, but every time I watch this classic I feel as if I were.