
Currently reading New Teen Titans and I like how it's set in New York. Maybe it's how the book feels like a DC book intentionally being a bit Marvel-y. I suppose they couldn't gotten the same effect of putting some distance between the team and the other major DC heroes by setting in a lesser-used DC fictional city,

Also, they couldn't find a bakery that would make a Trump cake? What about one of those bakeries that refused to make a cake for a gay wedding?

Jim gained the title of Working Class Representative when he murdered Joe the Plumber.

Kids go through weird phases, man. He'll probably grow up okay.

I love how as you start to explore the DC superhero universe, this fact starts to emerge. Everyone has an intelligent gorilla villain out there somewhere.

She may be eligible for a large cash payout.

Is there a particular TPB or Batman run you'd recommend that embodies this?

Though, I think there was a bit of a curve where when first introduced, Batman was darker and more violent, and then soon they writers were told to tone it down and stop having Batman just wasting dudes left and right.

It now occurs to me that Michael Keaton's Vulture is kind of an MCU Kite Man…

Batman spent years in Tibet studying Shaq Fu.

"Why didn't anyone tell me my ass was so big?"

Yeah, the DC universe's America is way full of cities: containing all the cities the real world USA has, as well as a number of fictional analogs…

It first I thought that the idea of Metropolis as across a bay from Gotham was an invention of Batman V Superman, then I read up on it and there are a number of previous stories that put them close together like this.

I'd seen him in some comics, but didn't realize the Charlie Brown reference until now.

I should check those out. Is there a Mad Monk Collection out there?

Employees must Rinse Penis before returning to work.

You won't have dear, old Prince Rebus to kick around anymore.

They could always log onto TheChineseGovernmentIsPerfectInEveryWay.china and post their pictures. Though if anything in there is the least bit suspect they're getting disappeared into an unmarked van.

Remember last year when there were all those creepy clown sightings? I bet you want the creepy clowns back now. You just don't know what you've got 'til it's gone.

Well we don't want your cocksucking quips IN our cocksucking magazine ANYWAY! So get out of her before I throw a cocksucking CHAIR at you!