
::J!O motion::

The Twitter bird informs our hero he's banned for making fun of a racist.

Kid's, we're watching Star Trek: The Next Generation instead. Look: that's the poop guy!

Thank god we don't have an animated movie about the magical city where all the YouTube celebrities live inside your phone.

Git r dun! Whoo! ::drives around in a loop on a recreational vehicle of some kind for several hours::

Yeah, ain't that something? "Duct tape" in general is kind of shitty for actual taping of ducts. The adhesive loses it's stick when it gets warm, and leaves behind a gross residue. You need aluminum tape for ducts. That's the real professional shit.

Let's make this happen.

Next thing you'll be tellin' me is Larry the Cable Guy dun't use Prilosec OTC!

B-but the democrats are promising us more skills for all the better jobs there's going to be…

FINALLY, someone who knows how to do evil with some CLASS and DIGNITY.

("For What Its Worth" starts playing)
"There's somethin' happenin' here
and it's the fault of the trans and queer…"

A feeeeeemale!

"Oh, I was just sayin', there's probably some goooood lovin' in that bed, since you two are so young and athletic and smmmmmokin' hot!"

'And how did you find out about the IUD she got without informing you? Did you wander up her vagina one day to “check on something”?'

I think he imagines it like having your wisdom teeth out, except it never heals? Yeah, I don't know what the hell Puppetmaster is talking about. Though he seems only to be saying it to then bask in the negative attention its giving him.


I'm really hoping that sooner rather than later Domald Tromp is Pounded In The Butt By The Multiple Allegations Of Russian Collusion To Tamper With The US Election That Won't Go Away No Matter How Hard He Tries To Dismiss Them.

Though, to be fair, even a decorated war hero can fuck right off with that sort of thing as well. If John McCain made a speech about how trans people would ruin the military, he could nonetheless fuck right off.

I kinda get that feeling too when it comes up. I can see how it's appropriate when a politician is starting a war to point out that this politician did everything they could to avoid serving in a war - like, they're only a hawk when it isn't them on the line - but I can also see a lot of reasons for avoiding fighting

"Trans people are too expensive. It's not a good deal for our military. In fact, in Russia - this is true - in Russia you have to pay MORE to have sex with a trans prostitute than with a regular prostitute. Not a good deal. We need to be making smart deals."