Rob McGregor

Now I want to know how did initial baby Sonic based off the eldritch abomination from the first trailer look like.

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When you start to play Resident Evil 6...

The difference between the art department guy and the VA/Actors is that the VA/Actors are giving out their likeness for media consumption. Nobody cares if Jerry made a foam tree prop; that is a good paid for by the production company, made from materials paid by said company. It can be reproduced ad infinitum by any

He also didn’t pay to make The Avengers while he did pay to make Dr Horrible. Those who invest the money in the business should take the lions share of the profits.

I agree, but the issue I take is that videogames are almost the antithesis of Film and TV. Those mediums are completely reliant on acting and vocal talent to make quality art, videogames do not rely on the acting talent in the same way. In a videogame the most important things is having a good game that’s fun to play,