
I’ve never known an astronomer that uses Photoshop for something like that. I don’t think Photoshop can even read FITS files, much less keep the data intact. You need to be able to calculate the number of photons that are landing in each pixel. Usually you stack the images, sum the total exposure time, and then you

everybody’s top is diferent, some people are bottoms

Aren’t JW bottles typically glass? Especially fifths like in the header image.

The ads are generated by your browsing history. 

Fucking thank you for saying this. This is absolutely not a political issue. And it’s a testament to how backwoods and shitty the US is as a whole that people still say BLM is political.

Why is this being made a thing?

There’s nothing French about how much butter ... I put on it.

We need to hurry up and get out there. Wolf 359 needs the strongest ships in the fleet that we’ve got.

Is he really “calling for the killing of protesters.”? Quite a stretch. Maybe firing rubber bullets at thieves stealing from and destroying stores and burning buildings might be more accurate. I guess thieves and people starting dangerous fires are just peacefully protesting in your mind.

For a moment I thought those busts were real!

Ya fuck her and her douchebag husband.

I have. In 2009, we bought a 2008 Ford Mustang convertible from a Ford dealer; it had previously been in service as a Hertz rental unit.

Good thing he qualified that with PER ACRE.

They should still adorn them.

86 million for Putin’s Soviet relic or 90 million for riding in a brand new American space vehicle. Hmm, I think I know what I’d pick and it ain’t the one first launched during Breshnev's rule of the USSR. 

Fun Fact these ones do since that is how they established it in the movies and shows.

This was one of the best SW takes I’ve seen in my life. Once again artists like Filoni and Johnson get the lore and know how to move forward without straying far from the core themes. J.J. makes copy pasta: his own words “it’s more important that you go off and learn what to make movies about than how to make movies."

Yup, this whole article is a remarkable projection of modern standards on history, but hey, that’s how history is done these days. The past is filled with environmental destruction, but in most cases there weren’t enough people with enough power generation to destroy faster than nature could recover. But there’s

You might want to check local building codes. They’re probably not OK with “I piled up some garbage and plastered over it, so now that’s a wall.”

When the Emperor handed Arrakis to Duke Leto, Baron Harkonnen (who already loathed House Atreides) vowed to do anything to get it back.