
I’m on Version 81.0.4044.122 (Official Build) (64-bit)
And do not have this option

What does it need?

I think it’s pretty clear she’s writing about the stuff from her background that she grew up with. There’s no shortage of cook books out there for any cuisine or region you can think of, so I’m not sure why it’s such a crime she didn’t work in a token few other recipes in this one.  If somebody in e.g. Dearborn puts

It’s best to use porous rocks like granite and basalt

It seems to me what’s needed is a strong education campaign. Reach people through social media and Hulu, Youtube, and podcast ads. Make it huge like the smoking education campaign and it could work.

Toshi station wants your surplus power converters

Just spit-balling here, but if the purpose of these “lessons” is to teach about how horrible slavery was/is, wouldn’t it be more effective to have white students (or at least people without enslaved ancestors) represent the slaves?

YMMV, but I liked it because it was framed as a very ordinary act, presented mundanely. I thought that’s what we were aiming for with representation.

Oddly appropriate username

That reminds me of punching holes in 5.25"/3.5" floppy disks to double (I think?) their capacity and feeling like you were really getting away with something... (For ego purposes, I need to state that I was very young when I saw my dad do this, and I am not as old as this memory makes me sound.)

I'm pretty sure this is the correct interpretation of how vibranium works and I will ignore anyone who says otherwise 🙃

This probably isn’t true, but if those “other guests” were frequent visitors to the hotel or platinum marriott members, I could see a different procedure for their check-in. Gonzalez’s membership in a free program wouldn’t automatically mean that she holds some status in the program

Calm down dude, it’s just a movie. You don’t have to like it, but seriously it’s absurd how much vehenece you are putting into this., it wasn’t. the Darksaber was created by Filoni and Lucas for the Clone Wars cartoon.

People want to be different like everyone else.  

We decided on Yiddle in my house. Because he’s so yiddle and adorable.

I prefer Yoddler = Yoda + Toddler

I forgot that this is only like a month away. It feel like marketing for this kind of movie should be way more ubiquitous by now. Disney hype machine has been pretty slow on this one. Shouldn’t we have a million teaser trailers everywhere?