
This whole site is a troll god forbid someone point out the facts here if a white girl had gotten the same extensions and been punished it wouldnt be a story sorry rules apply to everyone just because this girls parents couldn't be bothered to actually read their schools rules before sending their daughter there isnt

Why do we continue to be upset at our own ignorance??? Why are the parents confused??? The rule applies to pictures on picture day...not on being in school. We got to do better...what are we teaching our kids about personal responsibility?

I’m not impressed. The parents misunderstood or ignored the rules and now are acting like what happened to their daughter is the school’s fault.

I wonder how it can be RACIST to have a copy of the school’s policies and procedures, NOT READ IT, send the kid for picture day, then flip out when a rule effects your kid. This kid is in the third grade and Mommy and Daddy have already turned her into a “victim”

Way to turn something not about race into some shit about race. Red extensions suddenly becomes black empowerment for absolutely no reason other than not being able to follow rules. 

eh...this isn’t a race issue, just parents not following rules. also hair extensions is not hair color. 

What’s also very curious~ is that the young guy we see with Herzog’s? He has a Kaminoan emblem on his shoulder!

I’m pretty sure Tommy Callahan did the best explanation of cheap vs expensive brake pads ever

Yep, As a pedestrian your not to begin to cross the intersection, if the hand is flashing or there is a countdown clock with a flashing hand. It’s amazing how many people don’t know this law.

I notice he’s walking against the lights. If he paid better attention he wouldn’t have to be a dickwad.

I can’t remember the name of the ep, but way the hell back in Season 1 or 2 Mallory started a string of double entendres during a conference call, to which an increasingly disturbed Arched kept replying “Phrasing!”. The trope stuck, and was picked up by the rest of the crew at the (illegal) spy agency formerly known

After all, “A rendezvous in space isn’t as easy as just pointing and thrusting.”

That Yoda scene... I saw people jump out of their seats with their arms Raised in the air cheering. I loved that scene. It was my favorite until I saw Cap pulling a Rey in Endgame.

OK, so that’s how he meant the n-word.  What did he mean by “white power?”

OK...he has a pass to say that word, sure sure, but can he explain pairing it with “White power”?

One thing about models of the universe, you can’t take the names of the shapes literally. If the universe is flat, that doesn’t mean everything is on the same plane and you can’t go up or down.

Yea, it’s worth noting that I believe the film is still eligible to be entered into the Oscars in every other category. I think they should either change the name back to “Best Foreign Language Film” or expand the category to just “Best Not-American Film” (although I think that would result in A LOT of British films

I prefer ‘spinster’, myself.