
Poison Ivy ..Cardi B .

January Jones was cool as well...

All thanks to the shell casings being finely polished inside I presume.

Highly disappointed this isn’t a carrier that shoots lightning or that is powered by lightning, as I was led to believe by the headline

I did not skip over it; it’s unrelated. That’s not the purpose of the software or the target of the study and is a separate issue stirred in to muddy the water, as were all the other examples you provided.

So the evaluation would be identical for -anyone- who is poor and unable to skip work to get treated or evaluated?

Still better than the Ellen question

Then I wonder if your name is Pamela Beezly and born in 1988, if with such information one could say track you down and harass you for comments you make online on subjects like this? Is that then perfectly reasonable? I mean if you didn’t want to be harassed you should then question your life choices.

If your job is such that you don’t want people knowing who you are, perhaps you should be questioning your life choices.

This is a seriously awesome take after reading an article which directly explains the harm caused by the performers real names being public. Although, apparently the deranged people that target them are not at fault, it is on them for choosing that profession in the first place.

I’ll say the same thing to vapers that I said to smokers (I was both): pick up and/or properly dispose of your fucking trash, you god damned animal.

If I go for more than 30 seconds without tasting cotton candy I will literally die, so fuck your environment.

“I don’t see the problem here.”

It’s more than that. They had a deal in place for Kap to play and while they were finalizing everything his girlfriend bombed on the relationship between the Ravens owner and Ray Lewis (she used some Django footage). It pissed the owner off and he pulled the offer.  

Its gotta be demoralizing for a defense to routinely do everything right and have Lamar run 15 yards to convert a third down.  The Ravens are consistently having scoring drives of 10+ plays that last 7-10 minutes and just exhausting a defense.  I’m interested to see if any D coordinator starts trying something new

This is a horrible poem.

Anyone who did proper scouting on Lamar knew his limp-wristed throwing style was going to translate to the NFL.

Agreed. I’ve spent the last few minutes trying to figure out how side effects could equal “drug fueled depression” [which subsequently leads to suicidal tendencies]. Realized I was wasting my time and moved on.

‘English’, unlike ‘Japanese’ is not an ethnic group as well as a nationality, hence there is no ambiguity. You can be Japanese (ethnicity), but not Japanese (nationality), and visa versa. ‘English’ just means a British resident who lives in England.