
Chicago dogs are abominations.

Oh yeah, we Southern Baptists are a super judgy bunch and always willing to point out who’s going to Hell, which is usually everybody but the guy doing the pointing at that particular moment.

I think it’s fair to state that it is much harder to create new characters and have them relate to the audience, than it is to pull the best ideas from 60 years of comic continuity and dozens of writers’ and artists’ interpretation of well known and established characters. That’s why I think the fan favorite Star Wars

Stonehenge Started as an Entirely Different Henge, New Research Suggests

If by “they” you mean George Lucas, 1) I doubt it and 2) it wasn’t some personal slight. 

I’m gonna go sell my Marriage to Mephisto to undo this whole mess.

I legit feel bad for whoever’s last theater experience was Cats...

You asked for a taker and I’ve got time. I’ve been pretty ardent about leaving the subjective analysis out of the rage argument for a while because there is often plenty of fact involved with this shit to be outraged at that we don’t have to get hung up on things like “prompt”

Arguably, “behavior” that would warrant a

The problem with that is you end up leaving your child without a father, because no matter how justified you think that reaction is - the system gives him an easy ten years for assaulting that li’l innocent girl with your big evil black superpowers. There is no way they cut you any slack at all for defending your

And one more thing...she could have just called the fucking phone...

1) Apparently when you are the head of crime in the outer rim you get a little plump. Boba better be careful.

Ooh, inadvertent but great catch!

Seems like we slap a few dozen engines on this bad boy and we got ourselves the world’s largest ice ship!

IDK if you’ve seen The Clone Wars or Rebels cartoons, where the Darksaber first appeared, but this is just how it’s designed. It’s ancient and unique, created by the first Mandalorian Jedi.

Finally! I can throw burlap sacks over the neighborhood kids and relive my favorite scene from s1 of The Mandalorian!

Fan-service , I would argue, is only too much when it’s poorly executed or shoehorned in for no real reason. Favs may be the big Name on the project, but this is Filoni’s show through and through, and that dude understands Star Wars better than anyone currently living on planet Earth. There’s reason behind everything,

Amazing, every word of what you just said... was wrong.” :D

Yes, if it means I won’t get the 2019 version of Black Death.

But when Mohc turned to the idea again, he ditched the cybernetics entirely: his Dark Troopers were battle droids.