
Still enjoy when “Straight outta Locash” come up on my shuffle.

We can agree to disagree on this, I understand the logistics and the need to “look” advanced from what I have around me in real life. For me as I stated earlier, the technology of Star Trek is so central to so many storylines that, it pulls me out of the story when I see a ship that’s less than a decade before TOS

Sorry didn’t read that way.

That’s actually already been explained.

But will “Zippity Doo Dah” be the Disney theme?  

The only question I’d like answered is what the hell happened to the technology base between what we see in “Enterprise” and “Discovery” and the original series?

Well there is Spice in the Star Wars Galaxy!

Forgive me if this isn’t possible, I’m not an iPhone person at all, but it would be possible to migrate the texts to an app that is on both Android and iPhone, which includes cloud based backups, then pull the texts into iPhone from the backup?

I have to be honest, I 1000% thought that was one of those little electric cars for kids and not a “full sized” car

It’s funny I think the tight control Marvel keeps over the MCU is precisely why it’s been so successful. Now director’s may not enjoy having a relatively rigid framework to tell a story in, but as a consumer of the movies, I love that they all fit together and built to one final point and the no matter the movie, Tony

I honestly think Solo would have worked better if Han had been mid teen aged for the full movie and played by an actor who didn’t look like he was 2-5 years younger than Han when we first meet him in A New Hope.

Love this, but I kinda wish you could get a matte paint finish.

I owned white ‘89 Bronco II, was my first manual transmission, killed a couple of clutches in that thing. It definitely had some issues, but that thing went anywhere I decided to point it. I drove it through floorboard deep mud on construction sites, and 30" deep snow banks in a very unusual, MD winter.

CE/BCE is by far the more common usages. AD/BC are directly related to Christianity- BC - Before Christ, AD - Anno Domini (In the year of Our Lord). CE/BCE start at the exact same point in time with the presumed year of birth of Jesus, although that year was calculated incorrectly, and is a couple years off.

I could not imagine wearing a mask outside all day in Florida in July and August. Good luck to all the Disney employees

Can’t get to the actual paper, but from the abstract, I’d question the use of only two models, even minor changes in soil properties can have dramatic effects on models.

I loved it until I saw the front view. Something about the way the hood narrows. Just feel it would look better with a more square hood.  But then I love square, clunky designs.

5 months apparently

I’m wondering how many thousands of dollars are sitting on the floor in the background.  Forget grabbing the flatscreen in a robbery, go for the Lego sets (and direction books)!!

You’re correct Filoni doesn’t create the shows sole. But I think what he’s good at is creating a corridor for others to write and create in that sets boundaries for the “universe” they create.  I guess to me it’s like he makes sure that the projects he’s involved with ‘feel’ like Star Wars.