
I’ve worked at firms that do a 4.5 day work week (4-9's and a 4) and it was very nice being home at 1-2 on Friday and have the afternoon to do things. But this only works for certain industries, namely office workers, possibly factory workers etc. But a staggered week that has say half the people Mon-Thurs the other

7 miles in North Carolina in August, at 90+degrees at 7am, is not a perfect bike ride.  I’ve worked at locations that had showers, but many don’t.  And I’d argue that very few people live that close to their work.  I used to take a bus into Boston, but changed companies and now I have no real mass transit options from

Actually the old EU did the best job I’ve heard explaining why the Kessel Run is measured in distance rather than time.  The physics are a bit wonkey, but it wasn’t as horrible as some fan theories.  Of course it’s that now officially just a “legend”

As someone who has not read the books and was an interested, but casual viewer (who binged the show in a day and a half) it took me a few episodes to sort out the time separated storylines in my head. I will admit the show managed to hold me even through the confusion. It didn’t help that Geralt and Yennifer don’t age

I enjoyed the episode but it was a little ham handed with the call backs. When they stopped in the Dune Sea I was half expecting to see the Sarlaac pit.

The outsider feeling for Mando may be related to the fact his sigil hasn’t been revealed. The Armorer mentioned it when casting the beskar armor. I took that as maybe his last passage from “foundling” to full Mandalorean.


That gap between the Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope always throws me. It’s always seemed like way too much has changed for only 30 years.

Obviously this is my opinion, but this thing is ugly as sin! Are we sure Elon Musk isn’t channeling the spirit of John DeLorean?

A couple thoughts, suppositions, guesses, and hopes. (some of these might be influenced by things read in the old EU)

So you’re saying there’s a chance Mara Jade is still hidden somewhere in these parts of the new Canon?

You know Yoda’s full name right?

They need to sell baby Yoda dolls at the premier

I’d expect there to be some software adjustment, otherwise the camera would be “upside down” in one configuration or the other. Lol, I had to take selfies with both front/rear cameras see what my phone did.

If that cam is set up like the typical front facing camera, the picture is correct.  Seems weird it;d be set up that way.

I also think some of the episodes from Rebels were missing.  I only scanned, but it looked almost like the even # episodes were missing.  I’m assuming it’s a glitch.  I’m guessing their servers had pretty heavy traffic yesterday

OK what would be the benefit to any species to remain an infant for 50 years? Even exceptionally long lived species on Earth reach maturity relatively quickly, then have a long adult life. In fact I think humans and other primates are some of the slowest species to reach maturity.  Biologically, I can’t think of any

My first thought was The Emperor somehow cloned Yoda. Not sure my mind is ready to embrace Yoda getting busy with a female Yoda.

These fine Callahan brake pads now available at Zalinsky Auto Parts stores

This happened to me.