
There ...... was this one time..............where I saw some kind.........of........creature on the wing of the plane.  No one.........believed me.   But I tell there.

God I hope for the 70's Live action Spiderman who’s webs were obviously white clothesline. Just to see the other Spider-people look at him like “What the hell dude?”

My father was an hourly employee who, based on his typical tax bracket, understood that in a particular week, earning over a certain amount of OT could push him into a different tax bracket for withholdings in that pay period. Which, based on the tax brackets in the 80's at least, would have meant no real benefit in

It was a per paycheck decision.  Since the federal taxes are based on an “estiamted yearly earning” each and every paycheck, if you earn enough OT it can throw you into a higher tax bracket for that paycheck, possibly resulting in a lower overall take home amount. Might he have gotten some of that back, possibly.  But

Lol, I can appreciate that.  

In all seriousness what the hell is that phrase actually supposed to mean?  Archer spent an entire season running with the “Are we still doing phrasing” joke.  BTW not a Boomer, was raised by one though.

Are we still doing phrasing?

Just another Magnum I have no business buying.

Yes, but that was in the beginning of a series, where you HAD to have a Dumbledore in the following movies.  

If I’m going to pay $700 for a Lego set you can be sure that thing will sit on a shelf assembled for decades afterwards

Can we discuss the plaid upholstery? I love it.

Exactly, the “closed/open/flat” are 4 dimensional shapes, not 3 dimensional shapes most of us easily visualize

A closed universe indicates that eventually gravity will overtake the expansion of the universe and we will end in a big crunch.  Also remember that these “shapes” are 4 dimensional shapes of space time and don’t refer to a 3 dimensional shapes most of us can easily visualize.

My father was a bricklayer and always knew exactly how much he could earn before he made a jump between tax brackets.  Turned down a good deal of OT because in the end he’d take home less.

Strange my eyes see “Emma Watson turning 30" my mind reads “fuck I’m old”

Money is meant to be spent. All of it. Every last penny.

“We stole countries with the cunning use of flags” - Eddie Izzard

But then you also have to ask are films like Fantastic Beasts, which are Hollywood driven films filmed in the UK, American films or British films?

Did this category used to be the “Best foreign language film” or something like that?

I’ve never used a water bath for anything I’ve made and I still know you use hot water. But I hate that their performance over the past 10 weeks has no bearing on the final judging. I know it’s how they do it, but just doesn’t sit right with me.