
But you know you could argue that knowing how to follow a recipe, to the letter, with no deviation or interpretation, is assembly and not cooking. I’m not saying it won’t produce a good end product, but some of the art of cooking is lost.

I find that a lot of these shapes are so off on the chocolate/peanut butter ratio that I love in the normal Reese’s that I don’t enjoy them all that much.

GET RID OF TOYS??? - you inhuman monster.

It’s actually not a drill at all.

I don’t believe so.  Earlier posts on the probe seemed to indicate that the lander has no way to physically pick up the probe.  I was simply in a housing that was set on the surface and then released.  There was no way to grasp the probe again.

Uh, well there it is....Life will find a way

Ah I fondly remember wearing one of my dad’s old shirts, rubbing dirt on my face and tying a handkerchief to a stick and going as a hobo. Either that or the superhero in a box costumes, with the plastic costume you were sure to rip putting on and the plastic face mask with the elastic that was guaranteed to break and

I agree that they’ve had some very good moves recently, but remember they inked Flacco the off season after he went on a historic run in the post season and won a Superbowl. I always liked Flacco, while still understanding he wasn’t a QB who elevated the team, but who could make a good team run well. I’ll also argue

Hmmm minty

Assuming each barrel is fired once per revolution, wouldn’t there be the same amount of cooling time per barrel if the RPM is the same?  Unless you’re saying that with 11 barrels you’d need a slower rotation for the same rate of fire.

I have an S10 and I’ve tried a few tempered glass protectors. I haven’t found one that’s allowed the device to recognize any fingerprint, yet. Most have a ugly circle where the glass is thinner over the sensor as well

Weekends are for games, starting at 6 am (read at the rink by 5:30 am).  Weekdays are for before school practice and late night. Our local hockey used to have the last practice end at 10:30 pm

My son did this at the Boston Bruins, many years ago.  It’s called 3 Minutes of Fame.  It was a great night.  

Is it me or did they hold the debate on the set of Jeopardy?

I’m firmly convinced she plans to outlive Charles.  

If you’ve ever lived in an area with heavy winters you’d know that it can take a lot of work to keep railroads running. They have specialized train sized snow blowers to remove large drifts from the tracks.

It’s a running joke between myself and my wife that no matter where we’re going I always seem to find a spot within 4 or 5 spaces of the front of the row. I do seem to have pretty good luck with parking spots.

Oh god the things you probably saw on the way to the concession stand!!

If you check the video of the play close up, Humphrey does not choke OBJ.  He has hold of the front of his jersey.  If anyone deserves the fine it’s OBJ for the punch.  

It was in no way headhunting. Look at the Cowboys players head and where he’s looking. He never once looks at the receiver. He’s 100% playing the ball. A hit is when you target the player. In this case it’s simply both players playing the ball and colliding.