
The friction thing doesn’t make sense to me. The only way I can see a self driving probe kick off like that is either the probe hit a rock at some point and is riding past it, or the probe wasn’t completely vertical to start and driving has exacerbated the issue.

Obviously designed for the environment. Plus turbines are fitted with moveable blades, so when the wind exceeds a certain speed can stop the blades from catching the wind and spinning, think feathering a prop on a multi-engine propeller plane. The plane still flies but the one engine stops rotating.

My aunt and uncle were moisture farmers

This is also a listing on all wind power, onshore and off.  So far the US hasn’t tapped offshore wind to any real degree

Massachusetts has a 800 MW wind farm beginning construction, end of 2019, with another 800 MW planned and an additional 1600 MW envisioned.  It’s happening

The directors confirmed at one point it was ALL life

The directors confirmed it was ALL life

Based on what the directors have stated, half of ALL life disappeared, not just sentient life. So half of all the crops, cattle, chickens, fish in the ocean, etc. would have disappeared. Immediately post snap this means there would have been no change in the food supply. In fact assuming that half the farmers were


That works for me.  Bruins in 7

It came a day or two early, but my son was a pretty good Fathers Day gift.

It came a day or two early, but my son was a pretty good Fathers Day gift.

The accidental time travel of Jules into the 24th century, sparking a revival of 1960's music and the widespread use of Mother f’er.

It feels like the failure wouldn’t have been his directly, but a failure of the system he worked so hard for. Say for instance Star Fleet at the last moment prevented the rescue armada from actually going to Romulus, or withheld the intelligence of what was happening till it was too late.

During an awkward silence in the first interview, Bautista, stopped talking and sat still. After slowly disappearing, James Gunn was forced to admit he was the perfect “Drax”

Yet Jack Nicholson spills a little chili and he can’t sit court side at the Lakers anymore?

The hottest object is the thin outer layer of a Hot Pocket after you microwave it.  Oddly enough that thin layer of 1 gagillion degree cheese surrounds a frozen center.

No, he didn’t enter the scrum of players.  He is also the captain, which means he can approach the refs for explanations of calls, etc. If he’d hopped over the bench (ok he’s 6'9" so stepped), and went immediately after a Blues player then it’d be different.

If you see the numbers and check someone you didn’t “come in clean”. Do I think he targeted his head, no.

Found the Habs fan

Damn that'd be an ugly kid