
Can we get the hunter guy from the first Jurassic Park, to chase Clifford.  

Skinny coke Pam was a fav of mine

Give me a ping Vasili, one ping only, please.

And things like this is why I don’t complain about snow in the Northeast. I prefer my weather to inconvenience me, not actively try to kill me.

I think LeBlanc and Harris had very good chemistry.  Reid seemed to be shoe horned in on the occasional segment, usually as either an “every man” representative, or as the who cares about power and performance when you can add bling person.

Perez’s tires aren’t the only things that left skid marks

I love lense wipes for general screen cleaning.  Just have to watch, some of the very “wet” kinds tend to leave a weird residue.

I do not know what’s going on with it right now, honestly. And I don’t know if the DC people know what’s going on with it. Their strategy seems to change depending on how […] most recent movie did.”

Ugh another “New Coke” fail

The first 200 pages are a discussion of the logistical inefficiencies of trying to maintain a small mobile squadron, with 5 different classifications of craft, from different manufacturers, with no back up craft.

When did Loki become an Avenger?

Crackers, no crackers, just don’t ask for bread, if they forgot to put it in the bag.

When I initially heard this news there were a few things that immediately came to mind. Sucks to be a junior at Morehouse or have graduated last May (or in December!!).

I wonder how many “timelines” there actually are in Star Trek considering how many times they time traveled. I can’t remember if First Contact would have created a new time line with the Borg in the past, etc. or if they dodged that by saying something like the “historic records” just don’t mention two people from the

The meal refers to the occasion and not the food itself. Merriam Webster defines a meal as - an act or the time of eating a portion of food to satisfy appetite. The Oxford English add the term “reasonably large amount” to distinguish a meal from a snack I think.

So many inappropriate innuendos

Which one McKellen or Fassbender? These timelines can get so confusing.

It’s good to know Monsanto survived the centuries, the Eugenics War, first contact, V’ger, the Borg, etc., to supply quality pesticides to the 24th century.

Honestly I’d put the color more high blood pressure due to the copious amounts of pasta and starchy foods.

Dual fuel bags?