
You know the O’s are proving that you should be the absolute best you can be at what you do. In this case what they do is suck and they’re going the extra mile to suck at epic levels.

Sorry, that is considered “cruel and unusual punishment”

I’ve had more issues on curvy roads with the hardo cyclists running in large packs, who think they can cut the curve sliding across the center line. You’re not on a mountain stage of the Tour de France.

Often the shoulders have a lot of debris, sand, etc. so it can be dangerous to cycle. 

Check your local driving laws. Likely the allowance (or not) to pass a bicycle “safely” within the same lane is outlined.  This usually involves slightly crossing the centerlines.  In the instance you’re describing, I’m not sure how often you’ll be able to safely do it.  So good luck.

In Massachusetts, at least, bicycles are considered motor vehicles and should be treated as such. So if you want to pass someone on a bicycle, you need to fully change lanes.

I think that’s the biggest thing you have to look at when TPM came out, it was competing with the memory of not one but three films. If you add on the fact that the Star Wars had become such a cultural phenomenon, there was no way that TPM could ever live up to full expectations.

It’s almost like Obi Wan is using Darth as a term of derision.  Obviously there’s a little retconning going on there, as I’m pretty sure Darth was the characters first name when the first movie was written.  But when you think of it in that terms, it’s like in that moment Obi Wan lets Vader know that he sees him only

I feel like that video qualifies as food porn

I’ve been wondering where did all these Unsullied and Dothraki in the last two episodes come from?  The Battle of Winterfell made it look like both of those forces were completely wiped out. 

Not every plug is connected to a switch.  My living room has two lamps both with smart bulbs and neither  plug is on a switch

Things like this make me realize something. I have neither the talent, patience or dedication to pull stuff like this off.

You do have to remember that I think the character Padme was supposed to be 14ish I think in TPM, so not a huge age difference in terms of characters, but definitely much too big in terms of actors.

Good, Good, let the hate flow through you

Well he’s already done it once and survived, I think he’ll be ok

That ability by all three players on that line, but Bergeron in particular, is what makes them so amazing to me. They absolutely know what each other is thinking and where the other are likely to go when off the puck. You look at some of the passes they make without looking, just pushing it to areas, and somehow one

Yucca Mountain was never intended for low level waste. Without having read background beyond the article itself, the materials being disposed of here are low-level and appear to be mainly the contaminated buildings themselves. Yucca was intended for spent fuel rods, decommissioned nuclear weapons, etc. 

For the win!!!

Simple solution - You need to go see the movie again this weekend

Simple solution - You need to go see the movie again this weekend