

I can find another person to love, but to find a substitute for Ben & Jerry’s. Unthinkable.

I had a horrific and very GOT idea strike me. Why does the battle for the throne have to end just because the show does? Daenerys wanted to “break the cycle” but she became the tyrant she despised. She’s only re-started the cycle.

NO vertical video


Teaching by example

Yes and no. I feel that off-sides that directly result in a goal should be reviewable, think a two on one situation. But if you’ve gotten the puck into the zone, and worked it around and then score, it shouldn’t be reviewable. To me it seems like it’s a pretty easy change to the rule.

We say 4 officials. But from what I understand only 1 official is “supposed” to be in the zone in a 4 official system. The linesmen should be at the blue line and the other ref is supposed to be outside the blue line shadowing the play.  

I’d bet that if they didn’t have to drive the car themselves and maybe if they had good tinted windows, there’d be a lot of people having sex on the roads.

But will you still be that stressed after say 6 months of daily commutes driven by your car autonomously?  Humans have a sometimes scary capacity to take things that are exceedingly dangerous as mundane.  Simply look back at your first few times driving, likely you were incredibly stressed, and now your brain drives

I’d like to refer you to the recent porn filmed in a Tesla on autopilot.

*the name “THE PICARD MANEUVER” slightly too high on screen, then fingers appear and tug the name down a bit*

Why is Gamora?

Come to Massachusetts.  Turkeys....turkeys everywhere.  I haven’t seen any numbers but just in personal observations, the population seems to have exploded in the last 5 years or so

If pigeons (also an invasive species in the US) can do it why not parrots?

Can you just fit me for one of those moving couches from Wall-E and get it over with?

I’d like to know if it’s just those 3 hrs that are gone or if it’s just a matter of the video being purged. A lot of video surveillance files are only kept for a short period 1-2 weeks, then the files are overwritten. So it could simply be that the system over-wrote the files before anyone asked for them.

So did you say yes to him?

Detroit - 1935 - NFL, NHL and MLB (NBA didn’t exist till 1946)

I’m pretty sure winning the Cup the year after and going to the finals two years after that have banished that demon. Besides this is a team that now doesn’t immediately go 95% defensive after taking a 1 goal lead.