

There’s a part of me (the old part) that would love to have the Addams Family animated use the original Lurch’s voice.  “You Rang?”

For the masochists out there, imagine:

Hope they have fun with clients and coworkers trying to spell your name in company phone or email directories!!!

Rent the truck from a rental agency, it’ll be a LOT cheaper than renting from Home Depot, plus get it for the whole weekend and treat it like the rental it is.

I’m not Force sensitive, or trained in any of the light saber forms, but isn’t holding a saber with basically light saber pommel guards in a reverse grip kinda stupid, and dangerous?

Have they officially identified Padme as Luke and Leia’s mother in the official canon? I’m not up on all the new books, and animated shows, so I’m not sure if Luke and Leia actually know who their mother was “officially”


So as with many things in my life, I realize my mom is still right.

OK, never knew the adjustable top rack, so +1. But I’d loved to have seen tips for washing things like glass bakeware, large pots and pans, etc. You know the things that tend to come out clean except for that one little piece of food in one corner.

I thought the vast majority of baseball stadiums were for empty seats and drunk guys?

Train speeds are largely controlled (read limited) by a few things. By far the biggest is that most Amtrak trains share the same tracks with freight trains, so they need to be limited in speed to based on usage of the tracks by slower traffic. This is also why the Acela can not get near its top speed for large

Whoo a baby Bronco? Used to have a 87 Bronco 2, white. Yes a white Bronco around the time of a certain former football players “high speed” chase.

Nothing says wholesome childhood fun like riding one of those in shorts and having the springs pinch the hell out of your legs.  Ahh the fond memories of bruises or bleeding after one of these grabs your inner thighs

Is it me or does Jay look a LOT like Arnold Schwarzenegger, in profile in the second pic?

I still chuckle at the giant dwarf thing

I’d simply assumed that Loki’s staff had to touch Tony’s physical body and since Loki hit the chest plate that’s why he wasn’t controlled.  The whole staff thing still bothers me, why would Thanos, give Loki a Infinity Stone to go look for other Infinity Stones

In Boston, I’d have to say Fanuel Hall.  A few interesting historical locations anchor what is essentially a open air mall.  Come for the people dressed in colonial garb, stay and buy overpriced food and cheesy t-shirts.

But SHIELD already had the Tesseract. Howard Stark recovered it at the end of the first Captain America. I assume someone higher than Fury, he was only Level 3 at the time, had provided the Tesseract to Mar-Vell for her project. Whether that person knew Mar-Vell was an alien or just knew her as Lawson is another

I’d like to see the story of how Mar-Vell got the Tesseract from Shield to experiment on. I pointed out to my daughter that SHIELD recovered the Tesseract at the end of the first Captain America, so obviously Mar-Vell’s project was done with SHIELD cooperation. Which was also evidenced by the plane they steal to