
Any chance “Song of the South” ever sees the digital light of day?

Isn’t that his aunt’s pet name for Jon’s.... nevermind

You know a few years ago I wondered why I “needed” a smartphone. 

I will love him and hug him and squeeze him....and call him George

They’re just exfoliating

I have to say sometimes you need to be a bit like the old school Bruins or my all time fav hockey player - Doug “The Thug” Glatt, and climb the glass and beat the shit out of a fan.

Don’t forget the ever growing amount of time it would take to drive to the edge of the lake, dump the shaving from the ice and refill the water tank.

The Nurse and Sailor kissing the the VJ day photo have been identified, in fact the guy just passed away last week I think

I had and largely still have issues with some textures. Runny, slimy, etc. So I can’t do runny eggs. But I’ve learned to love oatmeal after finding the joy of steel cut oats, especially with granola mixed in.

Well this is the first time I can say I wanted to beat the crap out of cartoon character, and then cry like a baby in the space of 8 minutes.

Told in third person from the ladders point of view?  I may have never seen the original

Imagine Daniel Radcliffe as Wolverine in a Deadpool teamup movie. Seeing Ryan Reynolds complain about it not being Hugh Jackman!! Deadpool grabbing random sticks pointing them at Wolverine and yelling “AVDA KEDAVRA” throughout the movie

Any love for the almost 2 minute flyby of Spaceballs 1??  Remember “We Brake for Nobody”

Back in the mid 90's driving the Capital Beltway around DC. Stuck in usual traffic, doing maybe 20mph. I pulled up next to someone reading a newspaper. Not folded up. Fully open across the steering wheel with maybe 5 inches of the windscreen visible. He’d look up maybe every 10-15 seconds, then back to reading.

Not saying Cole’s hit wasn’t a penalty, but I’ve seen WAY more egregious cheap shots this season, some of which weren’t even called as penalties.

But does it move all herky jerky like the one in the claymation Christmas specials?

Am I the only one that now feels a little less creepy finding Kim Possible hot?

I don’t know Aunt Mae’s almost F-bomb at the end of Spiderman was pretty epic

Did we ever establish how to use the three seashells? Cause I’d prefer to not have to spout off a string of 4 letter words in order to wipe my butt, after dinner at Taco Bell.

He touched the butt!!!!