
Insert “Uranus” joke here:

Am I the only one hoping “Chief” from WW would return and turn out to be “Apache Chief” that I remember from the old Superfriends Cartoon?

You mean gun it across the intersection the nanosecond the light turns green, cutting off the approaching traffic? Classic

Geez people are wondering how far to pull into the intersection to make a left. In Boston people in traffic routinely pull into the intersection going straight with no reasonable expectation of clearing the intersection when the light changes. I’ve sat thru three light cycles cause the people crossing kept filling in

*Patent Pending

Speak for yourself. I am a meat popsicle

Simple tip. If a demonic voice calls to you from a totally vacant part of the house asking you to get out. Guess what....get out.

It’s funny that you can kind of place when each of these was crafted by how um “well defined” the upper part of her anatomy is. Ok, OK how big they drew her boobs. There happy?

I have to admit the little boy inside who used to watch “Superfriends” on Saturday mornings was DYING for someone to call the smuggler Apache Chief!

No you were not. I specifically said to my daughter leaving the movie that I wish they’d let a female superhero you know not have to wear heels. Cause you know I don’t see many serious female fighters wearing heels.

I’d also recommend Logan. I remember leaving the theater thinking, Damn that was a good movie, not just a good Superhero movie. But then again I’m a sci-fi and superhero devotee, so I might be slightly biased.

It depends on the 9 yo. There isn’t any gore, no overt nudity or sexuality, well except Chris Pine stepping out of the glowing pool covering himself with only a hand. The depictions of the horror of war, particularly WWI and the use of poison gas, were powerful to me, but I’d think those would be the most difficult

My parents could have used this when I was a kid. While my mother was making homemade bean bags with real beans I managed to shove one of the beans up my nose. She immediately told me to blow it out. What do you do before trying to blow your nose? That’s right take a deep breath! Sucked that bean way up. I still

Harrison Wells is back?

I think the problem is that it had to have been WAY more than one night on that boat with the both of them. Steve started out flying away from a base in Turkey and I’m assuming Themyscara is somewhere in the Eastern Mediterranean, which makes sense. Then they leave the island and the next day are in London? Even if

Need to polish the crankshaft?

Lol, we can firmly say the Apache Chief is a grower!

This article will NEVER be cross-posted on Jezebel

Wouldn’t biting your tongue make the dentist’s work even more difficult? ;)
