
Isn’t that headline kinda how the orgy selection scene went in History of the World Part 1?

On highways you could possibly limit them to HOV and managed lanes, which are restricted access lanes

You mean until autonomous vehicles learn to deal with unpredictable, idiotic, human drivers, who do things like change lanes without looking, make left turns from the right lane, run red lights, speed, swerve thru traffic, etc.?

Honestly the new Pennywise reminded me of the Clown from Spawn. No idea why, but that’s what popped into my head.

Kinda the Tom Brady of hockey. Hate him cause he’s so good. And not on your team.

I could never have this power. I’d be using my dick like that water snake thing in Abyss. It’d be following Sue around the Baxter Building, snaking over the backs of chairs and around corners. Please excuse the terribel pun but...

Um anyone going to point out that the bald guy in Logan was Professor X and NOT Magneto?

That’s what she said

Thanks for the flashback to my “Strength of Materials” class in college.


Maybe Matt Damon can dig him up the next time he’s stuck on Mars

Call me crazy but the idea of an older Gaston, or maybe his dad, played by Bruce Campbell would be rather exciting.



Dusty in here isn’t it?

You know phrases like “twat-waffle” are some of the reasons I sometimes wish America had lost the Revolutionary War! We got Liberty and Independence and the British kept all the crazy swears. Advantage English-English!

because of course he does.

Then blame the tax code that allowed him to take the deductions, or shelters or whatever it was that allowed him to legally pay that “little” in taxes. Let’s be completely honest if anyone complaining about this amount of taxes made that much and could afford the accountants to hunt for every loophole in the tax code


Have to be honest that was one of my biggest “what da faq” moments watching the prequels. Possibly even more so the Jar Jar