
Having received numerous emails with "Sent from my blackberry" at work, the thing that truly annoys me most is that the tiny screen seems to prevent anyone from reading the entire email forcing me to reply and confirm responses.

After trying similar options last year, I can attest that these don't work well in humid areas. The primary concern in those cases are dehumidification, which ACs do, but these other options do not (it should be pointed out that the "Make Your Own Air Conditioner" option is not a true air conditioner, it's more a

@Houston Lang: haha, I originally made the same mistake. Maybe it should be clarified for those of us who wish a high golf score was a good thing.

@Dizznizzle: I won't deny or disagree with the possibility of alternative relationships that blur the conventional definitions of owner, architect and contractor or the results such relationships can produce. In fact, if we went back through the history of the architecture profession, we'd find that architects used

@Dizznizzle: I agree that multiple entities are involved in the construction, hence my statement "the GC and its subcontractors built it." However, I take exception with what I personally would consider a liberal interpretation of 'building' as while the architect is most decidedly involved with the conceptualization

@Dizznizzle: Well SOM wouldn't have hired the contractor, the owner, the Air Force Academy (or whatever official owner entity it is) would, although SOM was likely involved in negotiations and helping determine who was qualified to build the structure.

I'd highly doubt SOM (Skidmore Owings & Merrill) BUILT the chapel, although I know they designed it. Also, I believe construction was finished in 1962 although it was likely designed in 1954. A quick visit to its wikipedia page would provide answers: []

@Buster Friendly: I'd imagine there is more to what caused the initial problem.

StartUpManager used to do this for you, has it been updated for grub2 to take care of such annoyances?

@radink: You should be able to update without a full reinstall. Generally the update manager will make you aware of availability, but you can always surf on over to their site to find out for certain how to update.

@manifesto-a-go-go: I'm familiar with stack effect, but as you mention, the graphic only shows a winter example.

Caulking around my windows really helped my winter heating bill. Of course some of that was also attributed to setting the thermostat very low during the day and overnight, and not setting it to high during the day.

showing up at an 80s halloween party as macgyver and putting the duct tape and swiss army knife to good use.

@timepiece: I don't completely disagree with you, but it's a matter of connotation vs denotation. The definition of a computer from merriam webster is: a programmable usually electronic device that can store, retrieve and process data. The connotation you are approaching the subject with, however, is an electronic

In my opinion, the introduction of the iPhone and the subsequent releases of other touchscreen smartphones eliminated the market for tablet computers. Effectively, the iPhone and touchscreen smartphones ARE tablet computers and the gap between what they can do and what a laptop can do is very small.

@SPGWhistler: Good point, on two levels. One, that he isn't running high voltage through low gauge telephone lines and two, it is poorly written and doesn't clarify this.

Well if you only focus on cost, you're likely going to make the wrong decision anyway. Value is more important and represents personal taste better.

@techfox: I agree. The iPad definitely expands the range of iPod models and considering I don't own an iPod, that's the only potential way I saw it fitting in my life. As a portable multimedia device.

It's been interesting to read the opinions on the iPad since it's release. It seems like people were expecting the holy grail, but got a cup and no one is quite sure if that's a good thing.

Considering recently I've been getting better search results from Yahoo, I actually would encourage this.