
What if it's on vibrate?

@TheFu: And it's limited to certain ISPs that have agreements with ESPN. Unless they have since changed that policy.

@wordsmith: it really depends on your definition of good. I have found various sites, but the quality, in my opinion, is quite poor and better serves as a radio broadcast.

I made the transition nearly a year ago when I moved into my new house. I have a media center running MythTV and Boxee that provides OTA HD content from the major networks in my area (and DVR capabilities with myth) and Boxee provides access to a lot of the cable shows I enjoy.

@bpuli: As an Ubuntu Linux user, I think your comments have some merit. I've really realized as of late that a goto resource for Ubuntu Linux problems would dramatically silence a lot of the arguments against it.

I don't believe Karmic is an LTS release. I believe the next version, Lucid Lynx (10.04) will be the next LTS release.

@SanyuktaLagnarok: Go for it. I had the same concern when I was dual booting Ubuntu/XP, but once I went Ubuntu only, I haven't looked back.

@GregH: very slightly? is that a step below extremely slightly?

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: Is this on the alt CD? I thought it was now a separate download.

Isn't there a quote to the effect of "Keep your mouth shut and appear a fool, or open it and remove all doubt?"

@ashubetta: I don't disagree, that was more a comment on how surprised I was it was easier to install apps in Ubuntu and how far they have come from compiling programs. Even with Synaptic or whatever GUI you want to use, you aren't stuck with the yes yes yes hell that is Windows.

@Bobly: Haven't run into this problem, especially since Adobe has an installer for Ubuntu... is there a specific issue?

@Apeiron242: I don't know what you mean by no extra work (literal or figurative)... but if you want to run Ubuntu and still run Windows programs, I'd say setup Virtualbox (not difficult) with a Windows guest in seamless mode.

This is an interesting list, but after installing Win7 on my older laptop and having to resist the urge to throw it out of the window for two hours before reinstalling Ubuntu, I can't say I agree with all these items.

@nikolask7: It won't be ignored due to oil interests, it will be ignored due to ridiculously high cost and terribly low efficiency.

@ThisTime: They aren't stopping people from doing it better, they are stopping them from using their hardware to do it better. If the Google Voice experience is truly better, you have the opportunity to use it via Blackberry or Android-based phones and by the majority of consumers purchasing non-Apple phones it

@r0ckstarferlife: I dont think you're being ignorant by any means. If you read Apple's reasons for not approving (they claim they have not rejected it yet) the application to this point it's because it changes too much of the core functionality of the phone, which, in my opinion, is an entirely appropriate response.

gong would have been a much funnier name. at least to me.

@tylerstyle: I don't recall which program now, but they basically did the same thing with another program they have, which was so annoyingly unuseful i removed it 10 minutes after installing it.

@adent1066: Maybe. You just have to do the research and understand the actual savings you can get.