
Remember that whole thing with priests raping boys? Happened back in the 1 A.D. - 2015 A.D.

Someone needs to let the priest know the Cowboys really pose no threat.

Recently, I had to “See less from so and so” on facebook because she posted a video of a guys hair infested with lice(cant unsee) and then posted a video of a ton of spiders in some house(cant unsee). i managed to shut it down faster than her first post.

The grocery store had lamb ribs for a pretty decent price. I’d never seen lamb ribs before, only a rack of lamb. So I figured I could let them sit with salt, pepper and rosemary for a couple hours them BBQ them on low indirect heat for 3 hours. They came off looking gorgeous. I let them sit, then cut them into

Hmm, a guy with a gun. In the military or ex military. History of violent acts. Does this guy sound like our next mass shooting or what.

What’s funny is there is some corporate guy who came up with these practices and his pitch to the company was,”hey I know how we can screw our employees over”. By funny I mean sad and typical.

I’m not outraged they were taking selfies, I’m outraged that most of them still do duck lips. How does nobody else see this.

Right. I know bear is just being bear but if thats my ride off the island, im spraying bear some more.

If the kayak means that much to you, go and spray the bear more. If you are in fact truly happy hes not attacking you, then the loss of your kayak shouldn’t be the kind of problem that makes you whine like that.

Many pitchers can throw 100mph. It’s dangerous so they don’t.

just sayin bro

Wow, they are still doing duck lips, wtf

Philippe Petit

Every single person watching and laughing at you. lol, so good.

So somehow the GF not wearing bitch eyes make-up or having her hair fluffy makes us believe she somehow deserves to be cheated on.

Ironic when you consider the hundreds of thousands it takes to house just one inmate on death row and all the money spent on the mandatory appeals. Coupled with the fact it has been proven that it does not stop people from commiting these types of crimes ~ IE someone actually will weigh jail time before embezzling...

Basically, Nachos twice.

So she’s having nachos and nachos in her last meal...

I saw the Documentary years after Robbie Knievel “tight roped” across Niagra Falls. Cable was so huge it looked like a curb and he had a safety tether hooked to his ass.

He should have shot everyone. That much less soccer in the world isn’t a bad thing.