
Now, finally, I can legitimately say that Tim Tebow could have done better.

The joke was that the guy has 14 kids. By implying a racist note to it, you are implying that only black people have 14 kids. You are in fact the one being racist.

Right? The first reason I came here was to see the fall.

Anyone can briefly add something improperly. The fact the woman compared the bill to her bank statement, then went and wrote a letter about it and in all that time couldn’t see her mistake,... Dumb.

Reminds me, when I was 13 and we went out to eat, a waiter would ask me “Soup or salad” and I heard “Super Salad” and said yes. I mean who wouldn’t want a Super Salad.

So at this restaurant they offered you soup or juice? An odd choice.

Decided not to go with “WTF was he thinking” title of the article?

Looks like Chip Kellys job is waiting for him when he’s done in Philly.

Thanks for pointing the movie out to me. Like you said got me another taste of Narcos. I will say this, I’m not some lazy American who can’t read a movie. If its good, I don’t care about subtitles. That being said I wish they would dub some of these. Sometimes I wanna grab a beer or look at something on my other

Dude, look at his weird shaped face and nasty skin and thin ginger hair. I’m sure that this is a well sculpted hair cut, born of years of trying to make his mug look less fucked up.

I did look up muddled cherries. Can someone give me an easy way to have muddled cherries

That’s the first thing I thought. If he makes it into LA County in the felony holding cells and they find out who he is... He better hope he gets bailed out.

He was a lot nicer than he could have been.

The whole thing is a big pile of crap. Diesels in california were exempt from smog checks AT ALL for decades. You know why? Because diesels burn fuel at a lower tempurature. All that nasty black smoke you see pouring out of a diesel? Its a good thing, its carbon, it falls to the ground and becomes dirt. But then you

Shut your mouth, SNL is awesome.

I remember being 5(im 46) and going with my mother to Taco Bell on my weekend to visit her, my parents were divorced. Taco Bell was a walk up order window. There were round concrete/pebble tables and 1/4 circular benches outside if you wanted to eat there.

The more I think about it and I havent for decades , the guy looked exactly like James Marsden. He would have been in his early 20s at this time and that fits this servers age. Can someone fact check and find out if James Marsden waited at a restaurant in Farmington,NM circa the mid 90s.

Soup of the day ~ In the mid 90s there was a comedian or maybe someone on a TV show who said ,”Soup de jour” was the Soup of the day. Now this was well before things went viral but there were still catch phrases and such that would catch on. My family and I went out to dinner and the waiter was being cool as hell,

Very rude and very awesome

Kudos to the announcers for even pointing it out