Adrenaline ftw
Adrenaline ftw
At the risk of sounding like a fanboi; I love these articles. The minutia, the actual instructions all mixed with the right amount of snark, perfect. I’m 46, I know how to bake a chicken. I never stop cooking so I never stop learning. The older I get the lesser I make stuff the same time and again. So I will…
I don’t get it. When I was a kid I fought a lot. 99.9% of the time it was with someone who was wanting to fight and it was 1 on 1. I guess they can’t have an option to lose.
Wearing Orange in Orange county,CA and a white guy explained to everyone why I was a dump truck.
Its ok, he said “our”. Hes allowed.
Monday. Had a dream I was trying to piss. I woke up soon enough to run to the bathroom and just discard my shorts in the laundry. Small pile of piss on the bed, cleaned up easy. I’m 46.
You are just pissed The Vikings look like utter shit. Whereas the 49ers at least pulled their shit together by the second half and made the Vikings look even worse.
I think hes got balls. He knows what the situation is, the manner in which he was hired and he’s not shying away from it. I think he realizes he is expected to fail and has nothing to lose. The guy is all in and I can’t fault him for it.
Amazing sound!
End of the year, the weather is crap, you know there’s gonna be someone who gets screwed.
Jones has made leaps and bounds with his life and the problems he had... but there’s an animal deep in him that can’t be tamed.
I dated a gal who wouldn’t eat Steak or fish. I knew this before we went to dinner. I told her I had no problem with that and she could eat whatever she wanted, just please don’t give me a hard time about my choice. Pretty open minded of me, I thought. Her chicken linguine shows up and so does my rare cut of…
That is like if I had a picture of my girls bare chest on my desk. What a creep.
Article about an article. *rolls eyes
You are confusing guilt with shame. JPPs actions after his mishap are one of self preservation. He’s guilty of blowing off his finger. You imply with your statement that he should feel shameful and give up something for that shame. It’s a business and he owes nobody, especially the NFL-anything. I guarantee you if he…
And that’s exactly why Carroll called it. So he could look like he’s a genius and fortify his idea that it’s HIS system and not any one player that makes the team work. So sick of his RAHRAHSISSBOOMBAH fkin rhetoric. Guy’s a blowhard douche bag
Circa 1976 we took Ted Vanover to LAX where he was flying out to go learn to fly F-14s. He was my mothers BFs son. I was 7 and he was so cool to me. All of us had lunch at some lounge near the airport and he paid attention to me which I imagine for my large family, with me being the youngest I was probably a PITA…