
Pretty good. Though I'm not sure how you can do 4 Zelda and 3 Mario covers, and nothing from Final Fantasy...

3 days to plat huh? So... you're unemployed then?

They're both terrible, but Origins was far worse IMO.

These were so good. IDGAF what anyone says.

Just got mine as well. We got an absolute fricking STEAL. Insane.

In the year two thousaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand (twenty eight)

Why does it matter if people get better? I play games to have fun. I don't care if I suck at it.

or you know... you could just wash your damn sheets.

Age of Apocalypse was amazing, no doubt. I would also put Executioner's Song up there.

False. They were at the forefront of online console gaming. I remember playing NFL2K and Phantasy Star Online on my DC, and being completely blown away.

Skipped both of them and got a 3DS XL. New Zelda and Pokemon are really good, fun games.

So glad I never read the book - I can just enjoy this movie for what it is. I loved the barrel scene, it was completely over the top, ridiculous fun.

There needs to be a referee at these things. Throw a flag - "Unsportsmanlike Conduct, Defending team. 1 point penalty."

Yeah, that is a really bad analogy. With Guitar Hero and Rock Band, you don't create anything. You simply play along. With Spark, you create the environment, the NPC's, you can create customized behaviors, there's even a way to create ANIMATIONS with the Kinect.

Beer can be the same way, assuming it's spontaneously fermented. Cantillon in Brussels is well known for their lambics, and the building in which they brew is around a hundred years old. They ferment on open coolschips, and if you've ever been on a tour though, you'd know it's kinda filthy. But that's where all

Meanwhile, it was 72 and sunny in San Diego. I wore shorts today.

I had what I believe was a 97 a few months ago. It was pretty bad.

It's basically soy sauce right now.


Except that the new generation of consoles are actually pushing min specs for the PC up. So yeah... your argument doesn't really make sense.