Wouldn't be hard, but the controls would feel different. I'm fairly certain the dpad is digital, so it's either "on or off." You can't walk by pressing it lightly, or run the pressing it down all the way (the way analog tends to work.)
Wouldn't be hard, but the controls would feel different. I'm fairly certain the dpad is digital, so it's either "on or off." You can't walk by pressing it lightly, or run the pressing it down all the way (the way analog tends to work.)
Didn't he do food delivery? Tofu or something? I haven't watched this in years.
I miss turn based combat. I guess I am old.
It really was a phenomenal game.
I get this when I play a lot of Diablo 3. I swear that I will hear that "DING!" when a legendary drops. It's really weird.
Yeah, seriously. Way more fun to watch, too.
I have one of the early 360 editions. It's a really nice stick.
I never knew I needed this in my life.
This is exactly what I do. I loved my raiding in Vanilla / BC / WOTLK, but now I just level to max and cancel. It's still fun.
You hope a company with thousands of employees goes under? That's nice. They're a business - they exist to make money. If you do not like their products, don't buy them.
You're "over this article" because you made an ill informed comment with nothing to back it up. That's cool.
Are you kidding me? Have you been to EVO or watched it at all?
It's a lot more work than you think, but yeah - I get it.
I'm trying not to read all these articles because I'm doing the same thing Seau died - getting all choked up. Though you have to feel grateful for Tony being Tony. Even if he wasn't the best hitter of our generation (he is, by miles) he was a genuinely good human being, and a wonderful ambassador for San Diego.
First Seau, then Coleman - now Mr. Padre. It's hard to be a sports fan in San Diego. RIP, Tony Gwynn.
Pretty good. Though I'm not sure how you can do 4 Zelda and 3 Mario covers, and nothing from Final Fantasy...
3 days to plat huh? So... you're unemployed then?
They're both terrible, but Origins was far worse IMO.
Why does it matter if people get better? I play games to have fun. I don't care if I suck at it.
or you know... you could just wash your damn sheets.