Age of Apocalypse was amazing, no doubt. I would also put Executioner's Song up there.
Age of Apocalypse was amazing, no doubt. I would also put Executioner's Song up there.
False. They were at the forefront of online console gaming. I remember playing NFL2K and Phantasy Star Online on my DC, and being completely blown away.
Skipped both of them and got a 3DS XL. New Zelda and Pokemon are really good, fun games.
There needs to be a referee at these things. Throw a flag - "Unsportsmanlike Conduct, Defending team. 1 point penalty."
Yeah, that is a really bad analogy. With Guitar Hero and Rock Band, you don't create anything. You simply play along. With Spark, you create the environment, the NPC's, you can create customized behaviors, there's even a way to create ANIMATIONS with the Kinect.
Except that the new generation of consoles are actually pushing min specs for the PC up. So yeah... your argument doesn't really make sense.
This is for EQ2, not EQNext. Read the article...
Born in 82, I remember. Also, regarding the Miami Vice pic below, I remember going to Universal Studios and watching the Miami Vice show. It was awesome.
The sunsets in GTAV (especially when looking out over the amazing looking water) are fantastic as well.
Feel necessary to me. When they throw 40 chinese guys at you, it's not fair or fun to try and kill them by yourself without assistance.
The Knightfall costume is the epitome of bad 90's costume design.
It's the current policy of SCEA / Microsoft / Nintendo to NOT publish AO games. At all.
HGH is a helluva thing...
I felt the same. For the record, I love Uncharted 2. I was tired of that shit in part 3. I also reached the first semi-difficult part in The Last of Us (a clicker and 3 other dudes) and was like, "Yeah, I have better shit to do than die to these guys all fucking night."
CARAVAN! Fer me ma'
A realistic game can certainly be considered pretty, but it's far more difficult. Having a certain artistic style as opposed to realism is far easier, and tends to age more slowly than realism. Uncanny valley plays a large part in this as well.
Looks like they have some bad LOD issues.