
Monster Hunter would like a word

Technical limitations are still a reality.

That... doesn't make sense. What I'm saying is EQN uses Voxels to render geometry / terrain. Using a voxel engine lets you do some pretty amazing stuff.

Minecraft isn't actually voxel based.

Is this conference up in it's entirety anywhere? I missed the stream.

The whole meme of Fry from Futurama doing "Shut up and Take my Money" is really overused but GOD DAMN DOES IT FIT HERE.

How so? The models are going to be the same, regardless. A high-end PC is going to vastly increase the framerate, hide LOD issues / increase draw distance, allow for more shit on the screen at once, full AA, etc.

I am 100% positive this is all running on a high-end PC. Everyone does this. Everyone.

Yeah, I should re-phrase. Why would I be interested in this? TV TV TV TV SPORTS. Where's the games? Project Spark seems like the only interested game, and yet that will be on PC.

I don't have cable. Why am I interested in this?

You call that a lot of mecha? Check out Matt Case's office (an artist on Free Realms)

HA HA! Cookies on dowels.

Feels a bit... Frazetta? I like it.

Feels a bit... Frazetta? I like it.

Put me in that park of hating Steam when it came out, and now absolutely loving it.

Not really. It's hardly SimCity anymore. It's SimSuburb. The zones are laughably small. They say that the idea is to have these multiple towns that link together, but even that is wrong (a zone of 16 is really 4 different zones of 4 that link only to each other.)

I get this way about Evo matches, but cannot get in to SC2 or LoL.

Disagree. This game is an excellent example of what can happen when a development team has time to polish, and isn't forced to put unnecessary bullshit (ahem, multiplayer) in their game.

Good for them. Still buying a PS4 though...

I threw on my headphones as fast as I could, because I knew Aeris' Theme would be playing. Such a great song, it really sirts up memories.