
I need to literally be having fun within the first 15 minutes. Everyone is about League of Legends, so I download and play the tutorial.

I have yet to try a electric razor that didn't eat up the skin on my neck.

I think you're finding a specific issue, where there isn't one. But that's your prerogative.

Not gonna lie, I did the same exact thing.

Calm down, Arielle.

There are no women on the Internet.


You mad?

Uh, no.

I wanted to be an artist from the time I started collecting comics (I was about 11.) I was decent, but once I got to college... I was so blown away by how good people were I quit.

You say that as if it's a bad thing.

white people

I don't. But people use it as a shield, they use it as a reason that they should be able to walk down the street with an AR-15, and it shouldn't take piles of paperwork to do it.

When did I advocate the removal of firearms? Did you even reply to the correct post?

Oh god, people thumping their chest about the 2nd amendment. News Flash: AMENDMENTS ARE NOT THE BE-ALL, END-ALL. Just because the "founders" wrote some shit 200+ years ago, you think it's infallible? We should adhere to every tenet, even as our nations evolves and grows?

I'm in too deep to craft beer to quit now. My cellar just hit 100 bottles...

So I should give up beer too? Fuck that shit.

This, a fucking million times

It's a fucking comic book character.

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