
When they didn't make every game available for download for the Go, what was the point in having it?

After wasting money on the PSP Go, there was no way I was buying a Vita. I made the right decision.

The people who made this can derilicte my balls.

"Data and Geordie on a spaaaaaaceship."

careful bro, here comes the Jezebel crowd

I went to the one in San Diego during Comic-Con. It was okay. My main gripe is that they were doing a medley of 2 or three songs, instead of doing each song individually.

I paid $10.

Still waiting on the final episode (playing on iPad, which is great btw) but it's a really good game. Love it.

Well to be honest, Amsterdam is a really cool city. Great sights, food, craft beer, red light district...

Probably because you are the proud owner of a Wii U

"long awaited"

Dude I'm 30. The last thing I want is to sit in a hot-ass room that smells like mountain dew, full of my friends. It was fun when I was 18, now I'd rather just walk to the bar.

When I cancelled my cable service on AT&T Uverse but kept my Internet, stuff like this seemed to cease functioning. I think you need an active cable service.

That's not what I was inferring. If you READ the article, you actually have to have cable service to use this in the first place. Reading sure is hard.

Get out of my basement and... Go to my friends basement for a LAN?

Blame Sony / Microsoft / Nintendo, not the developers. They won't allow it.

No, read it. In order to use this you must already have a cable provider.

...why would you watch this on XBOX when you can just watch it on TV? You obviously have cable already. I don't get it.

1. Your "are you insane" question still doesn't make sense.