
Disclaimer: I'm white.

I thought part two was just an absolute blast. I'm only a few hours in to three, but it feels like the same game to me. It's not fresh. Oh look, the only way to get in to the building is to climb the damn wall? Hmm, I feel like I've done this before...

If you can run BF3, you should be able to run D3. I am using a C2D, 2GB RAM, and a Radeon 6850. (this is not a good computer.) I run D3 perfectly, yet BF3 chugs.

It's fun, but it doesn't really feel like an evolution. It feels like D2, simplified, with 3D graphics. There's also some lack of polish that is rare for a Blizzard game (monk equips weapons, walks around with them in his hands, then they magically appear sheathed when he attacks. It's sloppy as all hell.)


Need to be more specific... what are you designing? Are you writing? Implementing content? Designing systems?

Huh. The only reason this white boy fell in love with and married an asian girl was because she was awesome. Nothing to do with her being asian...

Wha? That nose is completely different. I'm not mad, or complaining. I think it looks great.

Yeah, I would buy the fuck outta that shirt.

that was my first thought too!

Ah, Opening Day. The one day that Padres fans have a glimmer of hope.

Not always true... games need to actually support SLI / Crossfire for you to see a significant difference.

I was in line for a Stan Lee autograph at SDCC in the mid-90's. I already had this old-ish (late 70's, early 80's maybe?) issue of the Amazing Spider-Man that was autographed by John Romita Sr.

I grew up reading comics, but stopped in my twenties to focus on other things. Growing up in the 90's in San Diego and being a comic book fan was simply amazing. San Diego Comic-Con was just coming in to it's own, and there must have been 30+ comic stores all over the county.

I got to see his music performed live, at the first Dear Friends concert in LA. I was completely blown away.

This is a fairly large blanket statement.

This is why I never take any of these studies seriously. Live your damn life, stop worrying about every little thing...

Hawkeye's thing was that he was a master marksman... not just an Archery master. I think it was in Ultimates when he killed a shit-ton of guys invading his house by just opening his silverware drawer...

With a computer like that, your internet penis size is off the charts.

Your question is ... very broad. Do you want to be a gameplay programmer? Network code? UI design and functionality? I mean, we're talking about LUA, Actionscript, C++... the list goes on.