
It's the same as any game, really. Art (UI, Character, and Environment) Design (figuring out the combat system and implementing it) and Programming (uh... everything else.)

Didn't say it was a requirement. The problem I see with some artists is that they only know how to do that ONE thing. Take it upon yourself to be well rounded.

I also find that with artists, the ones who are familiar with animation and rigging are much more useful than someone who can only model.

How is it limited by battery life? I can plug the godamn thing in, and it has the same "life" as your console. Your argument makes zero sense.

This game was really really fun.

I'm mostly in the same boat. After the bullshit ending for Halo 2 (it was like half a videogame) I've lost all interest in the franchise. I played Halo 3, but it just didn't grab me. I could care less about this game.

Might as well call it "Bulletshooter"

As someone in the game industry, and a craft beer fanatic, let me just say: the grass is always greener...

She knew, thought it did cause some problems when I started to get real hardcore in to WoW. I just made myself tone it down a little. You don't even have to scale back that much, just show that you can drop games in the blink of an eye for her once or twice a week... she'll notice.

My wife was a WOW (Widow of Wolfenstein) when I was playing RTCW. Then she became a Widow of Warcraft.

Budget friendly in London simply does not exist... Belgium isn't on your list, but I have to say that Brussels is a great city that is dirt cheap to drink and have fun in.

There's humor in this?

Boop de boop be boop boop, sex!

The THPS series, and Crazy Taxi had such a big influence on my musical tastes as I grew up. I love these games.

As I was reading this article, the song came up on Spotify. Really weird.

Tried DCUO?

...who's scruffy lookin'?

"You'll also get a download of the 1995 Mortal Kombat feature film on the disc"

My dog knows the word "treat" regardless of the tone in which I say it... it's weird