
Let's see if all the people who have been saying "Ugh, I would totally play this if it was F2P" actually show up.

I saw these when I was in London. It's such a cool concept.

Honestly, I won't touch SP until I am bored with MP. Buying this specifically for MP.

It's a comic book, people. It's a stylistic representation; exaggerated. Fucking relax. J. Scott Campbell is an excellent artist, and to compare him to Liefeld is laughable.

I usually dislike this meme, but...

Get over it. It's such a minor change... how does this impact your overall experience? You don't like it? Speak with your wallet.

Battery Life: 14 seconds

Here, this one will make you full on BAWL.

The mere mention of that episode shakes me up. THANKS A LOT

Awesome thread, OP is batshit insane. Reminds me of a Simpsons quote.

I guess I didn't realize. I have female friends who are all about it, and it seemed TO ME that they liked it because:

What, does no one else remember paying like 80+ bucks for some Genesis carts? (Phantasy Star, I believe?)

I don't go to the shitter without one.

The laughter was at how ludicrously awful it was. Was that their intent?

I'll hook you up.

I have baby soft, fragile white-boy feet. My wife could probably do it though. Her asian feet are like rocks. She could stop a car, Flintstones style

I still don't get this show. My wife and I tried to watch the first couple episodes on Netflix; we couldn't stop laughing.

The collective eye rolling of all Californians is probably going to produce a larger quake than the one that just hit the east coast.

The silence is coming...

Titanium band. I use it to open beer bottles.