I used Gunnars for 2+ years (with a mild prescription lens in them) and they are incredibly useful. Looking at a LCD monitor without them is just awful now.
I used Gunnars for 2+ years (with a mild prescription lens in them) and they are incredibly useful. Looking at a LCD monitor without them is just awful now.
Dear East Coasters,
I take issue with the whole "three months salary recommended" thing. Who the fuck is anyone to tell me how much I should spend on a ring. Rings are such a joke anyway.
Or you can just make sure your desk isn't so cluttered that you can't find a fucking cell phone.
Rule #1: Cardio.
Third to last picture. Looks like the mom from 'The Incredibles.'
If you don't get the fun in these games, you should probably stick to your whole "I don't comment on threads having to do..."
Having played it at E3 and Comic-Con, I can say that the game looks fine. Looks just like SFIV, really.
PlanetSide 1 had a grief system. Your scenario doesn't really apply...
I had to lol at the "better beer." You have like, one legit craft brewer, Unibroue.
Depends on the amount of overtime you get. My salary has varied by as much as 20k.
What about ZJ's? How much will those cost?
And by "explode off the line" you really mean "fall down at the first hint of contact" right?
Then why did you spend all that time typing up a reply. You obviously care. You obviously care a lot.
Except this time they get a spot in the Production department. Which makes no fucking sense, but hey, whatever they wanna do...
I guess I'll be the first jerk to say, "I still wouldn't pay anything, because I'm waiting for BF3..."
Ooooooh, Barracuda.
Yeah, buy a PC.
It smells like bigfoot's dick!