There is something about his lack of punctuation that I just find hilarious. Not sure why...
@Who wants toast?: This, this exactly.
@Zuldim: Except that you're not describing the Harley Quinn character in the least.
@arionfrost: I lol'ed at work. They're all looking at me.
@twinturbo2: I've had it in my head since yesterday (it's in Rock Band 3!)
@natanku: there's gotta be a better way to say that
@Wild Nanahara: I rescinded my comment to call it a dying platform :)
This is the first (and likely last) movie I actually am willing to pay for to see in IMAX 3D.
I can hear the Blizz legal team groaning.
@truthtellah: Sweet merciful Christ, that woman is gorgeous.
@bakagaijin: Well, I should be drunk. It won't be too bad.
I'll be strumming my plastic guitar to a blank screen while I wait for RB3.
@Wild Nanahara: Next gen PSP development kits are in the wild. It's a dying platform then.
@Frightening Marmalade: It would turn out awesome. I love Pside.
@Vilhelm Smari: Yes, all the things you said.
@DocSeuss: So glad you won't be purchasing it. I won't have to hear you cry online, as I raze my opponents in a Huey, blasting 70's era music.
RB3 game + keyboard is OOS :(
@rathat: Mandarin and Cantonese is very different, where'd you go?
@Strangelove: Depends on the contract, but when large publishers work with small developers; yes they front a bunch of dev costs.