
@D-K: Well, you can't blame her. She's just not used to wearing clothes.

Why they keep making awesome games for dead platforms is beyond me.

@SheKills:'s a comic book. Come on.

@riceKRISPYninja: Yeah, but some songs are so butchered, that it almost sounds different.

@giovonti: been reading this same comment for 4+ years, it never gets old

I'm totally gay for Harmonix.

This is a must buy for m- what? It's censored?

@Tart of Darkness: Yeah I never got why people thought the paparazzi and what they do are pathetic.

I went in there ready to complain about the lack of a Vectrex; lo and behold, it's there.

The thing I liked most about Crazy Taxi on the DC was the feeling of those big, deep triggers on the controller.

@Ceiling90: It's one of the Warlock tier sets.

Music reminded me of Ridge Racer 4. Do like.

I was just in Paris and couldn't find WiFi to save my life. Where the hell is he going...

@DunnCarnage: So because they don't pump out garbage on a quarterly basis, they're "dormant for a good 80%?"

@Cookiecat: Except you know, you can be a villain in DCUO too.