
Storrow with Arborway/Jamaicaway close behind and the Newton supercollider. Jamaicaway is posted at 25 with no divider between oncoming traffic on one side and trees right at the edge of the lane on the other and traffic regularly is going 50. The supercollider in Newton corner has 10 some odd roads feeding into a

Two miles on Storrow Drive will teach a driver more about car control and situational awareness than two days at Skip Barber.

Yup - five at-grade crossings on the “Acela” lines within a ten minute drive of my house. Never going to have true high speed until those are addressed.

Where are you finding pizza for sale at 3:37am and how does that not result in an instant sobriety test?

I’ve got a fever and the only prescription is more ASS.

Doesairline seats” mean that sometimes your drive is just cancelled, and sometimes somebody obnoxious who you don’t know sits in the other seat and asks to crawl across you every 15 minutes to go to the bathroom?

Psh, 3000 at 70? That’s nothing. My E34 525i sits at like 3600 at 75-80, it’s fine. Somehow it manages 25-26mpg in highway driving so I ain’t complaining.

7 spokes

The SC430 had some terrible wheels, but this one takes the cake. My parents actually have this car in purple, and even though I never drive it, I went and got the different hub caps for my dad to save him the embarrassment 

These Corolla wheels trigger my OCD like none other

Your repeated use of the word “tax” to describe something that not only isn’t a tax but isn’t even tangentially related to any government is, at best, shoddy journalism. At worst, it’s unethical shilling for the oil industry. Had you bothered to read your primary source, you would know that Borenstein is describing a

I can do you one better for strange spare tire placement. Meet:

I switched to synthetic on a 150,000 mile engine and it blew up a few days later. Threw a rod through the block. Coincidence? Probably.

Is it time to replace the stewardesses with armed security. No more drinks, no more blankets, you all lost that privilege now flights are going to look like high school. You sit in your seat, read a book and behave.

Im getting strong Gen 1 Neon vibes

Not a car company exactly but Ducati has a branch that makes electronics components (actually it predates the motorcycles), and used to make actual consumer goods like radios. I occasionally encounter their capacitors at work.

Well, it’s no Boot.

Glick gets my click 100% of the time.

ohhh no you don’t get back here, you no no no no one gets away nuh uh sorry no