
I emailed the Gizmodo Media Group (of which Jalopnik is a member) a while ago in a very polite and thought-out message asking if I could volunteer as a proofreader for Jalopnik because the constant typos were pissing me off so much... no response ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Nice inclusion of the pause animation in your screengrab gif of the youtube video

I don’t know... really did seem like a pretty crazy thing to do. The inspirational bullshit is always unnecessary though.

Yes!!!!!! Don’t have words to express how awesome this would be

this is dumb, but also funny. star.

I do a lot of online car shopping (wishfully!) and have seen rust on tons of 2007-2009 (gen 1) Mazdaspeed3s but never on a single 2010+.  I think they changed something in their paint that year.

Only pre-2010 Mazdas are really known for unusual rust issues. Modern Mazdas are a lot better than they used to be.


I don’t think Porsche is super eager to admit that and it doesn’t explain why it’s with a bunch of 911s and a 356.

There has to be some sort of promotional purpose for this, right? But they stopped at the pre-facelift 997.  Also the random arrangement is really bothering me.  Why is there a Boxster there??

Might want to rewatch the clip... no startup sound other than some beeps and boops.

Can’t imagine that selling 20 subscriptions for any kind of mainstream car would be worth the r&d costs...

Yes! This is exactly how it should look and it’s much more like what they did with the last DBS and DB9. Slightly more sporty looking but no radical or overly aggressive styling changes.

Am I missing something here? 375 + 220 ≠ 425.

I’m just so thrilled that I won’t have to sit through any more Chevy ads with that insufferable douche telling us about all his stupid fucking awards.

Anyone know if she accepted it? Could do more harm than good if she says no to a free car from Chevy.

I would think that’s pretty obvious, but whatever floats your boat, dude...

Out of all the things on a car to anthropomorphize, you decided that the roof was most like the face?

hey let’s pick on the new guy

Why would you apply the handbrake whenever you stop? You don’t do that in a manual car either...