
In the land of the blind, the man huffing all the psychedelics in a medley is apparently the God-Emperor of Tits or something. I don't know.

From the stray observations:

If it ain't Squirrel Girl I don't want to hear about it. If it is Squirrel Girl just shut up and take my money and/or eyeballs!

I will defend Bruce Willis. He's great at his Bruce Willis schtick, but then I saw him in Unbreakable and he just nailed the role of being so totally rattled.

I believe this was the set up for Tropic Thunder.

It was actually a Star Trek porn parody: "Done Kirk"

K, nine puns is all we will allow.

Ryan North likes dinosaurs? Who knew!

I mean, everybody had to usurp somebody.

"But suppose for the sake of argument that you are right, that the people of the North are so set on independence they are forcing Jon to be King of the North."

For the record I THINK Jon was born first. I believe Dany was born during the final retreat of the Targaryens whil Jon was born late in the war, but before it concluded.

"You just claimed the Northerners are "nationalist," which means all the blather about the Mad King's atrocities are entirely beside the point."

Ironically featuring a bathtub scene.

Well, the explicit explanation given was fear of arrows getting Dany….. which once again raises questions about her regally hovering over the Ghiscari fleet before calmly giving the order to fire. Seriously, no one took a pot shot at her? No bows on the boat?

"I don't think that anyone could have expected Euron to build another fleet that fast, since he did not appear on first glance to have had either the resources or the manpower."
This reminds me of that scene in the Emperor's New Groove where they ask the villainess how she got there before them.
Yara: But how could you

A Song of Hypo and Hyper Thermia

Or that Tyrion must have been in league with her.

What's it matter? In primogeniture (not to mention male primogeniture) the offspring of the heir gets the goodies before the heir's siblings.

I got the impression it was Qyburn who was two steps ahead of the High Sparrow.

Eh, it was overwhelmingly white but getting more diverse