
So all you have to do is hit a single target and heir whole strategy collapses. How much bigger is he than a womprat?

I'm putting it all on the Night King! No one will see that coming.

Which is a lot of words for a noncommittal grunt.

"we all die alone and cold."

Was that prophecy averted or just misread? Dany is the Mother of Dragons after all.

Tell that to The Wire!

I mean, how far are we really from Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS?

Mike Colter is dead on. The Purple Man is just a really limited version of Professor X.

Upvoted for name/comment synergy!

I'm glad Trump is going full Berlusconi and staffing his administration with models.

Ignorance is bris.

Trust me, I'm from Utah, it's a lot harder to get good sandwich ingredients here.

He was saving himself for the right ship, to make it something special.

We haven't really seen The Others in a real fight, just corpse farming. My guess is they have some anti dragon measures more effective than the scorpion.

I don't think the Dothtraki or Unsullied care about Targaryen blood at all. They're personally loyal to Dany.

Rocky and Bullwinkle took that "animated radio" knock and turned it into a strength.

"Tonight, after watching the episode, my 3 year old daughter wanted to "play DuckTales". I asked her who she wanted to be and she immediately said Webby. So that's alright with me. "

As opposed to your older English teachers with refined tastes for Ann of the Green Gables and Huckleberry Finn.

What did your cousins get famous for?